The Rabbit Hole Paintings
In the past, I had been able to avoid or minimize the rabbit hole, but this time was different. And it was one of the nastiness rabbit holes I have ever been in.
An Abstract Expression of Emotions
Pain and joy, excitement and disappointment, success and failure. The emotional polar opposites in life are rich in feeling and expression. The abstract art you'll discover here visually captures these paradoxes, offering a sanctuary to experience, convey, and liberate our emotions.
Behind the Art
In the past, I had been able to avoid or minimize the rabbit hole, but this time was different. And it was one of the nastiness rabbit holes I have ever been in.
A common refrain for me is self-doubt. I wish I could say I no longer allow it to navigate me to places I don’t want to be, but I cannot.
Today, I couldn’t compartmentalize the stress and enjoy a moment with my canvas. The anxiety was at the forefront with every stroke of paint and scribble of my paint marker.
I’ve discovered on my path of self-exploration that the answers to the who, what and why’s about myself will change as I age and absorb new experiences.
Change is possible and you may never be able to predict what will spark that process of self-growth and understanding, and that’s okay.
I told myself it always ends like this when I don’t paint for an extended period of time, and that made me feel a bit better.
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